Accidental Death & Disablement
Protect yourself from the worst case scenario
We’ll pay benefits as a percentage of your coverage if you unfortunately pass away or suffer a loss of use of a body part due to unusual casualties. This includes violence, external, visible and accidental causes that result in total and permanent disability (TPD), total and irrecoverable loss of use or in the worst case, death within 12 months of the incident.
We will also pay twice the benefit amount, if the accident occurs:
When you are travelling in any mechanically-propelled non-aerial public conveyance over an established land route; or
While you are in an elevator car (excluding those in mines and construction sites); or
As a consequence of fire in any theatre, hotel or other public buildings.
An additional compassionate allowance of RM2,000 is payable if you unfortunately pass away due to accidental or natural causes.
Attachable plan
The basic plan that Accidental Death & Disablement can be attached to:
Learn more
Important notes
1. This content contains only a brief description of the product and is not exhaustive. You are advised to refer to Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad (PAMB)’s Brochure, Product Disclosure Sheet, Product / Sales Illustration, Fund Fact Sheet (if any), before purchasing the plan, and to refer to the terms and conditions in the policy document for details of the features and benefits, exclusions and waiting periods under the policy.
The benefit(s) payable under eligible certificate/policy is(are) protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (“PIDM”) up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (“TIPS”) Brochure or contact Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).
What is the Accidental Death & Disablement rider?
The Accidental Death & Disablement product from Prudential is an insurance rider that provides coverage if you suffer injuries or death due to unusual casualties.
Is Prudential’s Accidental Death and Disablement insurance a standalone policy or rider?
The Accidental Death and Disablement insurance is not a standalone policy but a rider that can be attached to a basic plan.
What does the Accidental Death & Disablement rider cover?
The Accidental Death & Disablement rider covers compensation for death or impairment due to unexpected mishaps, including:
Acts of violence,
External and visible incidents,
Accidental events that lead to
Total and permanent disability (TPD),
Complete and irretrievable loss of function,
Death within a year of the occurrence.
Does an Accidental Death & Disablement rider cover all types of accidents?
Coverage typically includes a wide range of accidents, but there may be exclusions for certain situations, such as accidents caused by war, certain dangerous activities, or self-inflicted injuries. It's essential to read the policy details to understand what is covered.
Are there any scenarios where the benefit amount is doubled?
Yes, if an accident happens while you're travelling on any land-based, non-aerial, mechanical public transportation, while in an elevator (not including those found in mines or construction sites), or as a result of a fire in a public establishment such as a theatre or hotel, the benefit payout doubles.
Can the Accidental Death & Disablement rider be attached to any other plan?
Yes, the Accidental Death & Disablement product can be attached to the PRUTerm plan.
What is PRUTerm?
PRUTerm is a basic life-term protection that provides financial protection throughout your coverage term. It offers affordable premiums and pays you or your loved ones a lump sum in the event of total and permanent disability or death.
What does "total and irrecoverable loss of use" mean?
"Total and irrecoverable loss of use" refers to a situation where, due to an accident, a person loses the ability to use a particular body part entirely and permanently.
What is the "compassionate allowance" mentioned in the policy?
The "compassionate allowance" is an additional benefit provided by Prudential. If a policyholder passes away due to accidental or natural causes, an additional allowance of RM2,000 is payable.
What happens if the accident results in death or disability after over 12 months?
The Accidental Death & Disablement product specifies that the accident must result in total and permanent disability (TPD), total and irrecoverable loss of use, or, worst case, death within 12 months of the incident to be eligible for benefits. The policy may only provide coverage if these conditions are met within the specified timeframe.
How can I sign up for the Accidental Death & Disablement product?
You can sign up for the Accidental Death & Disablement product here or visit our branch.
Does Accidental Death and Disablement insurance cover natural causes of death?
Yes, the Accidental Death and Disablement insurance does provide a compassionate allowance for death due to natural causes.
Are there any age restrictions for obtaining Prudential’s Accidental Death and Disablement insurance?
Generally, any adult of any age can purchase this insurance, but there may be certain limitations or exclusions for older adults.
Does Accidental Death and Disablement insurance provide coverage for disabilities resulting from sickness?
No, it does not cover disabilities caused by illnesses. Accidental Death and Disablement insurance cover total and permanent disability, loss of use of a body part, or death caused by unusual events such as accidents, violence, or external factors.
How much Accidental Death and Disablement insurance do I need?
The coverage needed can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances, including financial obligations, dependents, lifestyle, and risk tolerance. Contact us or visit our branch to obtain the appropriate coverage required.