Policy Servicing Form

Download the forms you need to update or make a change to your policy.
Girl filling up forms

Forms you will need

What would you like to change?


I want to...



update my address/email address/contact no.

 Not available



update my/my child’s personal details

Minor Alteration


 Not available

Update payment details


I want to...



update my credit or debit card details/settings

Not available


deduct premium(s) from my savings/current account

Direct Debit Authorisation


Not available

have the payment to be credited directly to my savings/current account

Direct Credit




change my payment frequency/mode

Payment Alteration


Not available

Update nomination, novation, contingent assured or alternate life assured/alternate assured


I want to...


nominate my family member(s) or friends to receive my policy proceeds

Trust and Nomination


nominate my family member(s) or friends to receive my coverage proceeds

Trust and Nomination - Jom Balik Raya

nominate my family member(s) or friends to receive Group Policy proceeds

Nomination of Beneficiary (Selected Group Policy) 

nominate my family member(s) or friends to receive MortgageCover proceeds

Nomination of Beneficiary (For MortgageCover only)

appoint my immediate family member(s) to become owner (Contingent Assured) of my child’s policy after my demise

Contingent Assured 


appoint my immediate family member(s) to become Life Assured (Alternate Life Assured) of my policy after the demise of my existing Life Assured

appoint my immediate family member(s) to become owner (Alternate Assured) of my policy after my demise

Alternate Life Assured / Alternate Assured


Applicable to selected plan only.

transfer certificate ownership to Insured Member after the demise of existing Certificate Holder and Insured Member attained age 18 years old

Novation Agreement - EPF


Applicable for EPF products only.

Change investment preference


I want to...


do a single premium top up

 Single Premium Top Up 

For more information, please click here.

invest/relocate my premiums to another PRULink fund

Withdrawal, Switching or Premium Redirection


Change benefit payout option


I want to...


change my Survival Benefit/Guaranteed Cash payout option

Options for Periodic Payouts


Request for payout


I want to...


request for my Goal Achievement Benefit/Academic Achievement Award

Incentive and Award Payout


request for a Policy Loan from my policy

Policy Loan Agreement


request a Surrender of Reversionary Bonus/make my policy Paid Up

Paid Up or Bonus Application


request for payout from my accumulation option account

Withdrawal from Accumulation Option Account


make a partial withdrawal from my PRULink fund

 Withdrawal, Switching or Premium Re-Direction


For more information on our Withdrawal Guideline, click here.

surrender my policy

 Policy Surrender


Reinstate a lapsed policy


I want to...


revive my policy that is currently lapsed

Policy Revival


revive my Direct Marketing-Telemarketing (DMTM) policy that is currently lapsed

DMTM Policy Revival


revive my policy that has lapsed for more than 6 months

Personal Statement 


Change of signature


I want to...


declare a signature change in my policy

Signature Declaration 


Foreign Exchange Administration (FEA) declaration


I want to...


declare my domestic borrowing status and/or residency status in my policy

Notice & Declaration on Foreign Exchange Administration


Common Reporting Standard (CRS)

The Policy Servicing forms listed above constitute the common forms that are in use, however if you are not able to locate the forms you are looking for or if you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service at 03-2771 0228 or email us at customer.mys@prudential.com.my.