our reason is you

Our Reason Is You

Serving you throughout life's unexpected moments and its challenges.


As Prudential, customers are the driving force behind everything we do. We are dedicated to understanding your needs and aspirations, empowering you to face the future with confidence.

Watch the heartfelt stories of our customers experience and the impact we’ve made in their lives. Whether it's a young millennial seeking financial security, a single parent who has triumphed over cancer, or a family aiming to safeguard their legacy for future generations - we're always here by your side through every stage of your lives because our reason is you.

claims payout

Your journey, your strength

At Prudential, we deliver on our promise to provide our customers with financial freedom and peace of mind. In 2023, we have paid RM2.37 billion in claims in medical, critical illness, personal accident, death and total permanent disability claims, marking a 16% increase from the previous year, along with 23% increase in total claim cases compared to 2022.
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