Cancer Insurance: Protect Yourself from the Most Common Cancers in Malaysia

Cancer is a major health concern in Malaysia. It’s a leading cause of death in the country. With the rising incidence of cancer cases in Malaysia, it has become increasingly important to understand its prevalence, factors contributing to its growth, and how to protect yourself financially from this disease.

How common is cancer in Malaysia?

The Malaysian National Cancer Registry reported an estimated 115,238 new cases of cancer diagnosed in 2018.

Malaysia’s cases have been steadily increasing over the years, with a projected 20% increase by 2025. Regarding gender, 61,640 cases were diagnosed in males, while 53,598 were reported in females.

The rise in cancer cases in Malaysia can be attributed to several risk factors, with lifestyle choices playing a significant role. For instance, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diets have been identified as significant contributors to many types of cancer in the country.

As such, efforts to promote healthier lifestyle choices are vital in addressing the growing cancer burden in Malaysia.

What are the most common cancers in Malaysia?

Identifying the prevalent cancer types is essential to provide targeted support, effective prevention, treatment strategies and care to those affected.

Breast cancer

This is the most common cancer among women in Malaysia. It accounts for approximately 34.1% of all cancer cases in females. It is also the second most common cancer overall, after colorectal cancer.

Age is a significant risk factor for breast cancer, with most cases occurring in women over 50.

Awareness of symptoms like lumps, size or shape changes, nipple discharge, or skin changes is crucial. Early detection through regular screening and self-exams can improve outcomes.

Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is Malaysia's second most common cancer, making up 13.5% of cases. It affects more men than women (1.5:1 ratio) and is linked to lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking, and unhealthy eating.

Recognising symptoms like abdominal pain, bowel changes, blood in the stool, and unexplained weight loss is crucial for early detection.

Lung cancer

Lung cancer is Malaysia’s third most common cancer, accounting for an estimated 9.8% of all cancer cases. It is more prevalent in males than females, with a male-to-female ratio of 2.6:1.

Smoking is the major risk factor responsible for over 80% of cases. Early detection and treatment are important but often neglected due to a lack of awareness and screening.

Quitting smoking and avoiding secondhand smoke can reduce the risk of lung cancer.

Nasopharyngeal cancer

Nasopharyngeal cancer is a type of head and neck cancer that affects the nasopharynx. It accounts for 4.0% of cancer cases in Malaysia and is often diagnosed at a late stage.

Symptoms include a blocked nose, nosebleeds, headaches, earaches, and difficulty hearing. Early detection and treatment are vital for better outcomes.

Liver cancer

Liver cancer makes up 3.5% of cancer cases in Malaysia and is more common in males (2.5:1 ratio).

Chronic hepatitis B and C infections are top risk factors, accounting for around 50% of cases, while alcohol consumption and obesity are also significant risk factors.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer makes up 3.5% of Malaysia's cancer cases, mostly affecting women. The female-to-male ratio is 14.8:1, emphasising the need for women's health initiatives.

HPV infection is the leading risk factor, causing abnormal cervical cell growth and cancer.

Cancer treatment in Malaysia

Timely detection and treatment are essential to improve cancer outcomes in Malaysia. Therefore, the government has launched programs to boost cancer screening and treatment services, including establishing cutting-edge cancer centres nationwide.


Surgery is a common treatment for cancer, aiming to remove cancerous tissue and stop its spread.

Sometimes, removing the entire affected organ is necessary, such as a mastectomy in breast cancer.


Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells. However, while chemotherapy can effectively kill cancer cells, it can also affect normal, healthy cells in the body.

This can lead to side effects such as hair loss, nausea, and fatigue. However, supportive measures can ease these side effects, and the benefits of chemotherapy typically outweigh them.

Radiation therapy

This treatment uses high-energy radiation to damage the DNA of cancer cells, causing them to die or stop growing.

Radiation can be delivered externally or internally. Treatment is determined by cancer type, stage, tumour location, and patient health.

Hormone therapy

Hormone therapy obstructs cancer-stimulating hormones and is effective for hormone-sensitive cancers like breast and prostate cancer.

It helps halt or slow cancer growth by blocking the hormones that fuel it. The therapy includes different medications, such as selective oestrogen receptor modulators, aromatase inhibitors, and anti-androgens.


Immunotherapy utilises medication to enhance the body's immune system to battle cancer.

Techniques include monoclonal antibodies, checkpoint inhibitors, and cancer vaccines that stimulate an immune response. It is a hopeful treatment approach to help natural defences fight cancer.

Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy targets genes or proteins that aid cancer cell growth without damaging healthy cells.

Though it has shown potential in certain cancers, its effectiveness varies by patient and cancer type.

Stem cell transplant

This procedure replaces damaged bone marrow with healthy stem cells to treat blood cancers like leukaemia and lymphoma.

The stem cells can come from the patient or a donor, and they generate new blood cells to combat cancer and rebuild the immune system. But, though it can save lives, it comes with risks like infections and graft-versus-host disease.

How much does cancer treatment cost in Malaysia?

Cancer treatment costs in Malaysia vary based on cancer type, treatment type, and patient health. Costs range from thousands to tens of thousands of Ringgit.

Some common cancer treatments and their estimated costs in Malaysia include:

  • Surgery: RM 5,000 to RM 50,000.

  • Chemotherapy: RM 500 to RM 10,000 per session.

  • Radiation therapy: RM 5,000 to RM 30,000 per session.

  • Targeted therapy: RM 5,000 to RM 50,000 per month.

Various charities, like the National Cancer Society of Malaysia, Cancer Research Malaysia, and MAKNA Cancer Research Institute, offer financial support to cancer patients with subsidies for treatment, medication, and transportation costs.

Cancer insurance

As seen above, cancer treatment can be costly and financially burdensome for many families. Besides the financial assistance available, another way to protect oneself financially in the event of a cancer diagnosis is to have cancer insurance.

PRUCancer X is a comprehensive cancer insurance plan that provides coverage for all stages of cancer, including early-stage cancer. The plan offers a lump sum payout of up to RM2 million upon cancer diagnosis and can be used to cover medical expenses.

In addition to PRUCancer X, Prudential also offers other general critical illness insurance plan covering cancer. Those plans provide coverage for other critical illnesses, including heart attack and stroke. Benefits of this plan include a lump sum payout upon diagnosis of a covered illness, which can help ease the financial burden on the insured and their family.

Benefits of cancer insurance plans

Prudential's cancer insurance plans, including Prucancer X and Critical Illness Insurance, offer several benefits that can ease the financial burden of cancer treatment. Here are some of the advantages of cancer insurance plans:

  • A Lump-sum payment can cover medical expenses, loss of income, and other unforeseen expenses that arise from cancer. These plans can also cover a wide range of expenses, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and hospitalisation costs.

  • Coverage for both early-stage and advanced-stage cancer. This means that policyholders can receive benefits even if their cancer is detected early, increasing the chances of recovery.

  • Peace of mind when one is covered by insurance can help to reduce the stress and anxiety that cancer patients and their families experience.

  • Customisable to fit the specific needs of an individual. Some plans can be tailored to provide additional benefits for specific types of cancer, and some may include coverage for other critical illnesses.

What is behind the increase in Malaysia’s increase in cancer cases?

Factors contributing to the rise in cancer cases in Malaysia:

  • Ageing population: As people age, the risk of developing cancer increases.

  • Lifestyle factors: An increase in unhealthy lifestyle habits among Malaysians, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of physical activity, and unhealthy diets.

  • Environmental factors: Pollution, radiation, and chemical exposure are known to increase cancer risk.

  • Better detection and reporting: With better and more advanced medical technologies, more cancer cases are being detected, even those that may have previously gone undetected.

  • Genetic factors: Inherited genetic mutations may increase the risk of certain types of cancer.

  • Infectious agents: Certain infections, such as hepatitis B and C, human papillomavirus (HPV), and Helicobacter pylori, increase the risk of certain cancers.


Cancer may be a complex disease, but it's not all doom and gloom! We can take control of our health and work toward reducing our risk of developing certain types of cancer. In addition, we can take steps towards a healthier future by making positive lifestyle choices and prioritising preventative measures like regular check-ups and screenings.

Moreover, cancer insurance can provide comfort and financial stability during difficult times, allowing individuals to focus on recovery without worrying about medical expenses. With Prudential's reliable coverage, cancer patients can access high-quality care and treatment without worrying about the cost, which can help ease the burden and provide peace of mind.