Medical Card Services FAQs

Frequently asked questions
If I am admitted to a non-panel hospital, what should I do?
You are required to pay first and file a claim with us, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
Can I use the Hospital Alliance Services (HAS) facility on a weekend / public holiday?
Yes, as Hospital Alliance Services (HAS) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Why is a deposit required for some hospitals under the panel?
Some hospitals require a minimum deposit for non-medical related items or excess charges/fees which may not be payable by Prudential.
For example:
Admission fees
Telephone charges
Excess room and board
Co-Insurance / deductibles
What if I did not bring my Prudential medical card to the hospital?
You can request for a Pre-Authorisation Letter (PAL) from Prudential by providing your MyKad/MyKid/Birth Certificate/Passport to the hospital staff.
The hospital staff will then verify the details and status of your policy via the HAS Portal.
Will I be able to use Hospital Alliance Services (HAS) while I am overseas?
No. Hospital Alliance Services (HAS) is only applicable for panel hospitals in Malaysia. You may file a claim with us once you are back and your claim will be assessed in accordance to terms and conditions of the policy contract.
Can I stay in a room that has higher charges than my room and board benefit?
Yes, however you will need to pay the difference of amount incurred (excess room and board).
Can I cancel my claim and pay for the admission myself before the final worksheet is issued?
Yes. If you wish to claim for your medical expenses, you may submit your claims to us via reimbursement basis.
What are the things to consider prior to hospital admission?
Non Emergency Admission-Pre-Planned Hospitalisation
Consider the following before admission:
Is hospital admission really necessary?
Can I choose to rest and recuperate in the comfort of my own home?
Can the procedure be conducted as outpatient instead which is covered under the day-care benefit?
Contact our Customer Service or your Servicing Agent for the most updated list of panel hospitals & deposit listing.
Please consult the financial counselors of the hospital for the estimated cost of hospitalization after consulting with the relevant doctors on the different types of medical treatment and the expected duration of ward stay
Contact your Servicing Agent for assistance
Emergency Admission-Unexpected Hospitalisation
Please seek help immediately at the nearest clinic or hospital
You will be attended and assessed by the doctor on duty at Accident & Emergency Department. The hospital staff will guide you through the procedure
If hospitalization is required at the clinic or hospital which is not a panel hospital of PAMB, you may either
Settle the bill first and file for claims later and arrange to be transferred to our panel hospital on a later date
You may continue your stay at the non panel hospital and file for claims later
What are things to take note of on the day of admission?
Bring your MyKad/MyKid/Birth Certificate/Passport upon admission for verification purposes
Deposit will be required for non payable medical items and co-insurance
Bring your own toiletries, comfortable attire, slippers, medication or vitamins (if any) to avoid additional charges to your hospital bill
Please DO NOT bring or wear your jewelry, excessive cash and also electrical appliances to prevent loss or damage to your valuables
Anticipate waiting time of 1 hour during admission / discharge
Medical card is not meant for i) Routine check-up ii) Investigatory or diagnostic test admission
Where can I learn more about my rights and responsibilities as a patient?
The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) Patient’s Charter, which was written to create awareness amongst patients on their rights and responsibilities, and sustain the highest possible professional and ethical standard of healthcare.
We strongly encourage you to visit Malaysian Medical Association website to learn about your rights and responsibility.